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Jonathon Cassidy: 100 King William Street - a complete transformation of Adelaide’s most prominent office precinct

Jonathon Cassidy: 100 King William Street - a complete transformation of Adelaide’s most prominent office precinct

100 King William Street
By Jonathon Cassidy, Asset Manager, Quintessential Equity

100 King William Street

At Quintessential Equity, we are committed to creating exceptional experiences and leaving things better than we found them – and 100 King William Street is a prime example.

We are excited to announce upgrades and refurbishment works to 100 King William Street, a complete transformation of Adelaide’s most prominent office precinct. 100 King William Street is set to rival the best in market for office design and building amenity, with upgrades to take place during 2023 to fully regenerate and enhance the exterior and interior spaces.

The upgrades will include contemporary ground-floor and on-floor lobbies, modern bathrooms, outdoor terrace refurbishments, and exciting retail amenity offerings to ensure tenants and customers feel warmly welcomed. 100 King William Street, is set to inspire and energise employees, with state-of-the-art end-of-trip facilities and a fully equipped wellness centre in the works.

ESG approach

Our considered, authentic and committed approach to ESG is based on our firmly-held founding principle that 'we want to leave things better than we found them. We are guided by a commitment to environmental sustainability, social benefits, and sound governance as aligned with our values.

We take environmental sustainability seriously, with our operating business being certified as carbon neutral for three years running and a 12-year track record of enhancing the environmental performance of our buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The mechanical upgrades to 100 King William Street, will improve our environmental footprint, targeting a minimum 4.5-star NABERS Base Building Energy Rating.

Investing in the community

In order to honour ESG principles and uphold social responsibility, QE always seeks to engage with local contractors. Doing so, not only demonstrates our partnership and investment in local communities but provides higher levels of efficiency for all parties. 100 King William Street, is no exception, with local contractors Neoscape, Cox Architecture, WSP, BESTEC, and Built engaged for the first stage of the upgrade works.

100 King William Street, is just one of many exceptional QE projects in Adelaide, with the likes of Entrepreneur & Innovation Centre, Port Adelaide Distribution Centre, and 431 King William Street showcasing our ongoing commitment and investment to the city.

For more information about our recent and upcoming projects, contact us HERE.

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